A new study, published last month in the scientific journal Clinical Nutrition ESPEN, demonstrates that using ProSource liquid protein products in addition to enteral feeds in ICU is significantly more likely to meet patients’ protein requirements without overfeeding energy, than using enteral feeds alone.

Work carried out by respected ICU Dietitian Dr Stephen Taylor and his team in Bristol, UK found that prescribing liquid protein (ProSource TF or ProSource Plus), in addition to their chosen enteral feed, increased the percentage of patients who met their protein prescription* from a range of 39% – 56% (using a high or very high protein enteral feed alone) up to a range of 73% – 82% (using the same enteral feed and ProSource).

The study entitled “Critical care: Meeting protein requirements without overfeeding energy” is available to view online via the following link: Critical care: Meeting protein requirements without overfeeding energy

*Prescription varies depending upon guidelines used.

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