Episode 4: Let’s Talk ACBS

The Dietetic Discussion
Episode 4: Let's Talk ACBS

This insightful episode sees ACBS (Advisory Committee on Borderline Substances) committee member and dietitian, Emma Emmerson, delve into the ‘ins and outs’ of the ACBS with podcast host Dr. Anne Holdoway.

Episode 4 – Key Discussion Points

  • The role and remit of the ACBS
  • Potential misconceptions of “ACBS approval”
  • ACBS product approval process
  • Dietetic prescribing rights
  • ACBS and the future

Shadowing the ACBS Committee

The government encourages that scientific advisory committees like ACBS occasionally conduct open meetings in the interest of transparency.

For prospective members, the benefits of sitting in on a meeting is simply to get a “feel for it” before committing. Whether the person is sitting in for purposes, transparency or prospective membership, everything is commercially sensitive and must remain confidential.

The ACBS often recruit via what is know as co-opting, with candidates identified on the basis of committee requirements. When a prospective member is identified, they are invited to join a meeting as an observer, after which if they would like to join there is an interview process.

Once appointed the individual will usually shadow an experienced member for their first few meetings.

Guest information

Emma Emmerson
Twitter: @EmmaEEmmerson

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